Areas of representation:
- Gender
- Age
- Ethnicity
- Sexuality
- Class and status
- Disability
- Regional identity
Gender is presented in game of thrones because males are seen as dominant. This is obvious as the male characters wear coloured bright clothes and outfits while most the women wear rags and dull clothing. There are also many prostitutes in the tv drama suggesting women are objects and are not significant other than being used as sex objects. When the camera is on the female characters is looks down on them and shows the male characters looking down on them to show their dominance over the females.
Age isn't really presented in game of thrones apart from when it comes to class and status with the children which I will explain later.
From what I have watched of Game of thrones ethnicity isn't really represented or shown throughout the episodes.
Sexuality is represented in Game of thrones because a little girl called Arya Stark, does not want to be a lady, and instead pursues lessons in sword fighting. She is the youngest daughter of Lord Stark and I think her character is fantastic, and she represents a strong (young) woman whose plot lines have absolutely nothing to do with sexuality or finding romance, but still manages to be just as interesting and even more dynamic.
Sexuality is represented in Game of thrones because a little girl called Arya Stark, does not want to be a lady, and instead pursues lessons in sword fighting. She is the youngest daughter of Lord Stark and I think her character is fantastic, and she represents a strong (young) woman whose plot lines have absolutely nothing to do with sexuality or finding romance, but still manages to be just as interesting and even more dynamic.

Most of the male characters are portrayed as extremely sexual and constantly desiring sex, whether it be through rape or by way of prostitutes. The female characters, however, (with a few exceptions) seem to be classified as either a virgin or a whore; they are either extremely sexual and “easy” or in no way desiring sexual relationships, aside from marriage. I am sure the fact that the show is set in medieval times has something to do with the portrayal of sexuality, but I feel like the great range of strength and power of the male and female characters is not at all echoed when it comes to their sexual desires and relationships.
Class and status is strongly represented in Game if thrones as lower class people are treated very differently to people of a higher class. For example there are different groups of people showing different classes e.g. the prostitutes, the slaves, the lords, the wise masters etc. These groups are represented very differently. The prostitutes and slaves are dressed in dull robes or short inappropriate clothing. However the lords and wise masters are dressed in fancy expensive outfits to show their higher class and importance. When the lords speak they speak down to the slaves or people of a lower class, treat them like rubbish and look down on them.
Disability is represented in this tv drama as there is a middle aged man named Tyrion. He seems to hide the fact that he is upset and unhappy with his disability throughout the show when finally he admits to this. He says “I’m guilty of being a dwarf,” with his mouth a grim frown and his faced deeply lined he also says “I’ve been on trial for that my entire life.” This character showing these emotions could suggest disabled people are unhappy and lead a bad life. When Tyrion says this about his disability he shouts as if he is angry for having it and angry for people not understanding and appreciating his struggle.
Regional identity is the main area of representation shown in game of thrones. This is because there are different families from different areas all fighting for the crown. This is showing the different types of regions and identities in the world. For example a few are; The Starks, The Lannisters, The Martells, The Targaryens, The Baratheons etc
All these families are higher class and all want the same thing. The general representation of these regions are;
The Starks: Black hair and green eyes
The Lannisters: Curly blonde hair and green eyes
The Martells: Olive skin, dark hair, dark eyes
The Targaryens: Pale skin, white hair, purple eyes
Overall this tv drama shows how each region and area are different in the way they are and people who live there. It also shows the different ways in which they act and dress.
some good detail here Hannah - you could develop by including more specific reference to technical choices